
Caen - Capital of Normandy with its castle and the two abbeys - Abbaye aux Hommes and Abbaye aux Dames which have connections with William the Conqueror, an Art Museum, the Memorial Peace Museum, the Botanical Gardens and a Zoo set in 10 hectares of land. There are also extensive shopping malls / department stores. Ouistreham is the port of Caen.

Located between land and sea, 2 hours from Paris and 10 minutes from the beaches, on the road to Mont Saint-Michel, Caen, the capital of Lower Normandy, is a vibrant, buzzing city blending a rare wealth of heritage and culture with a wide array of high-quality tourist facilities.

Founded as the ducal city by William the Conqueror in the 11th Century, Caen has preserved the splendour and radiance endowed upon it by the Ducal King over time. Abbeys, the castle, as well as private town houses, universities and other academies all attest to the development of the city through the centuries, even after the terrible bombings of 1944.

Rising from the ashes like the phoenix, the symbol of its university, Caen has also safeguarded its impressive architectural heritage, spared by World War II.

Today, the soul of the city, enriched by 1000 years of history, nestles in the old quarters
of the city centre and reveals itself to those who take the time to pause there. Narrow streets with lively shops, a marina and race course right in the centre, and myriad parks and gardens which have long been enjoyed by the public are just waiting to welcome you !

For further information please visit the Caen Tourism website.